Standard General Check UP

Standard General check-up female/male

General physical examination:

  • Complete history and enquiry taken by an AMC physician to include review of medications, allergies, and immunizations, family history and lifestyle issues
  • Complete physical examination to include check of height and weight for calculation of Body Mass Index, and blood pressure, in addition to a full head-to-toe examination by the physician
  • Consultation
  • By an obstetrician (OB/GYN) including pap smear (for female patients)
  • A dietician who also happens to be a physician

Complete laboratory testes

  • Complete Blood Count and CRP (check for anemia, infection, clotting cells)
  • Blood sugar / Glucose * (screen for diabetes), HgbA1C
  • Complete Lipid Profile * (complete cholesterol and triglyceride panel)
  • HIV (optional if requested)
  • Thyroid function tests TSH, +/- T3, T4, Free T4 (screen for thyroid disease)
  • Kidney function tests
  • Liver function tests
  • Pancreatic enzymes (lipase and amylase)- (if available and if needed)
  • PSA for Prostatic Cancer Screening**
  • Hepatitis B infection and immunity, hepatitis C infections
  • Urinalysis
  • Stool studies
  • Screening for H. pylori infection
  • Uric acid
  • Serum electrolyte (Sodium, Calcium, phosphorus)
  • Pap Smear (for female members only)
  • Chest X-ray
  • High resolutions CT scan for lung cancer screening for smokers and post covid lung fibrosis.
  • Mammogram (all women above the age of 40 or men found to have suspicious breast mass lesions)
  • Ultrasound
    • Abdomen and pelvis
    • Thyroid (if needed)
    • Breast (if needed)
    • Scrotum (if needed)
    • Other body parts (if found to be necessary during physical examination)
  • Personalized VIP card containing vital health information such as allergy history, blood type as well contact information for emergency purposes.
  • Personalized folder that contains detailed medical history, copies of all test results and discussions/recommendations made by the physician as well as other specialists involved during the evaluation.